Optimizing Windows Network Parameters


Network performance is slow on Windows systems.


Tune the Windows operating system to optimize network performance.

To optimize Windows performance:

  1. Open the Windows registry and set the TcpTimedWaitDelay parameter to 30.

    This step decreases the time that the operating system waits to reclaim a closed port from its default setting of 4 minutes (240 seconds). The parameter is at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

    Parameter Name: TcpTimedWaitDelay

  2. Set the MaxUserPort parameter to 65534.

    This step increases the number of ports that can be opened on an application from its default of 5,000. The parameter is at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

    Parameter Name: MaxUserPort