Removing Stale User Records

When you deprovision or delete users or groups in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services, you can conserve disk space by updating the user and group tables in the Oracle Hyperion Planning relational database to remove stale records.

To remove stale user records from the Planning database tables:

  1. Take an action:
    • Select Administration, then Manage, then Dimensions, and then select a dimension member.

    • Select Administration, then Manage, then Forms and Ad Hoc Grids, and then select a form folder or form.

    • If using Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager: Select Administration, then Business Rule Security, and then select a business rule folder or business rule.

    • Select Administration, then Manage, then Task Lists, and then select a task list.

  2. Click Assign Access.
  3. Click Remove Nonprovisioned Users/Groups.