Row, Column, or Cell Reference Arguments

The row, column, or cell argument identifies a row, column, or cell in a grid. The syntax:


Table B-3 Argument Components

Argument Description


The form name. For example:

Difference (grid1.row[5], grid1.row[6]) returns the difference of two rows on form grid1.

Optional. If GridName is not specified, the default is the name of the current form.


One of the following keywords: row, col, column, or cell.

For example, Max(row[1], row[2], row[3]) returns the maximum value of three rows. GridElement is optional. However, a cell reference requires row and column segment identifiers. For example, cell[2, A] and [2, A] both refer to the cell that is the intersection between row 2 and column A. The keyword cell is optional. Cell references can use the [row, col] syntax or [col, row] syntax.

Optional. If GridElement is not specified, letters represent columns and numbers represent rows; for example: Max ([1, A], [2, A], [3, A]) refers to rows 1, 2 and 3 of column A.


A row, column, or cell reference number. For an expanded row or column, you must specify the segment. For example, row[2] addresses row segment 2. Segments are enclosed in square brackets [ ].



The rows, columns, or cell that are expanded from the specified segment. If range is specified, the system calculates the formula using only the specified range. For example, row[2(3:5)] uses only the third through fifth rows of expanded segment 2.

Optional. When range is not provided, all expanded cells are used.


If a segment expands to only one row or column, do not use the range argument.


One of these keywords: average, averageA, count, countA, max, min, product, or sum. The property specifies how to aggregate the specified expanded rows, columns, or cells.

Oracle recommends that property is not specified when a reference is an argument. By not specifying the property, the function calculates the reference in the most appropriate way. For example, the following expression returns the average of the cells within rows 1 and 2:

Average(row[1], row[2])

In contrast, the following example first calculates the average of row[1], then the average of row[2], adds these two results, then divides by 2:

Average(row[1].average, row[2].average)

The default property for a row, column, or cell reference is sum . For example, row[2] is equivalent to Sum(row[2]).

Because segment is the only required part of a reference, the following references are the same:


AverageA and CountA include #MISSING cells in the calculation. For example, if row 1 is a segment row that expands to Qtr1 = 100, Qtr2 = 200, Qtr3 = #MISSING, and Qtr4 = 400, the following function returns the value four (4):


All other functions exclude #MISSING data cells. For example, the previous example of row 1 that expands to Qtr1 = 100, Qtr2 = 200, Qtr3 = #MISSING, and Qtr4 = 400, returns three in this example:
