Selecting Business Rules

On the Business Rules tab, you can associate multiple business rules with a form, by plan type. Users can launch associated business rules from the form to calculate and allocate values. You can set whether each business rule associated with a form automatically launches when the form is opened or saved.

To select business rules for forms:

  1. Take an action:
    • To update the current form, click Business Rules.

    • To open a form for editing, click Edit, and then click Business Rules.

  2. From the Plan Type drop-down menu, select the plan type.
  3. From the Business Rules list, select the business rules to associate with the form, and move them to Selected Business Rules. See Using the Member Selector.

    By default, the Calculate Form and Calculate Currencies business rules are selected. Calculate Form is automatically created for forms to calculate subtotals. Calculate Currencies is created for forms that include multiple currencies in a row, column, or page, to enable converting values among the available currencies. You can clear Calculate Currencies if you use customized calculation scripts to calculate currency conversions. You can clear Calculate Form to prevent planners from calculating data in forms.

  4. To change the order of selected business rules (the order in which rules display and launch), select a business rule in Selected Business Rules and click the up or down arrow to move it up or down in the list. The rule listed first displays and launches first; the rule at the bottom of the list displays and launches last.

    The order in which business rules launch is important and may affect data. For example, it is important to convert currencies first, before subtotaling.

  5. To set business rule properties, click Properties. See Setting Business Rule Properties.
  6. Click Save to save your work and continue creating or editing the form, or click Finish to save your work and close the form.


When selecting business rules for composite forms, you can select which included forms’ business rules run in composite forms. Business rules from included forms do not run unless you select them for the composite form itself. For example, to run all the business rules associated with an included form named "Total Expense Impact", select" Business rules for Total Expense Impact".