Selecting Planning Unit Hierarchy Scenario and Version

To select the planning unit hierarchy scenario and version:

  1. Select Tools, and then Manage Approvals.
  2. In Scenario, select a scenario.
  3. In Version, select a version.
  4. Click Go to display the planning unit hierarchy defined for the selected scenario and version.
  5. In Display, click Tree View to display the planning units as a hierarchy, or click Flat View to display the planning units as a list.
  6. Optional: If you own planning units for this hierarchy, check Select Mine to select them.
  7. For each planning unit, the following is displayed:
    • Plan Cycle (Tree View only), which displays whether the planning unit is started and if it is included in the budget process

    • Approvals Status, for example, 1st Pass

    • Sub-Status

    • Current Owner

    • Location

    • In Path, click Potential Promotional Path icon to view the potential promotional path

    • In Actions, click Details, to display planning unit details and add or edit planning unit annotations