Setting Account Calculations for Zeros and Missing Values

With time balance properties First, Balance, and Average, specify how database calculations treat zeros and missing values with the Skip options.

Table 12-6 Effect of Skip Options When Time Balance is Set to First

Skip Option Description Example


Zeros and #MISSING values are considered when calculating parent values (the default). In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is 0, and zeros are considered when calculating the parent value, so Q1 = 0.

Jan: 0 Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 0


Excludes #MISSING values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is #MISSING, and #MISSING values are not considered when the calculating parent values, so Q1 = second child (Feb), or 20.

Jan: #MISSING Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 20


Excludes zero values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is 0, and zero values are not considered when calculating parent values, so Q1 = the second child (Feb), or 20.

Jan: 0 Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 20

Missing and Zeros

Excludes #MISSING and zero values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is zero, and the value of the second child (Feb) is missing. Because missing and zero values are not considered when calculating parent values, Q1 = the third child (Mar), or 25.

Jan: 0 Feb: #MISSING Mar: 25 Q1: 25