Setting Display Properties

You can set and edit options for form display, such as hiding forms or displaying missing values as blank, in the Layout tab.

You can also enable account-level annotations. Users can add annotations to accounts in forms if they have write access to the account, entity, scenario, and version members. Account-level annotations can vary by different combinations of Scenario, Version, and Entity dimensions.


  • The Account dimension must be assigned to a row axis.

  • Account, Entity, Versions, and Scenario dimensions cannot be assigned to the column axis.

  • The Entity dimension can be assigned to the row, page, or Point of View axis.

  • Version and Scenario dimensions must be assigned to the page or Point of View axis.

To set display properties:

  1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
  2. Select Display Properties, and then select form options:

    Table 6-5 Display Properties

    Option Description
    Make form read-only

    You cannot set this option for composite forms.

    Hide form

    For example, hide forms that are part of composite forms or are accessed from menus or task lists.

    Display missing values as blank

    Leave form cells empty where data does not exist. If this option is not selected, empty cells display the text "#MISSING."

    Enable account annotations

    This option is available only if the Account dimension is on the row.

    For information about using account annotations, see the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide.

    Allow multiple currencies per entity

    If the application supports multiple currencies, allow entities to support multiple currencies, regardless of base currency. Users can select currency for displayed cell values in forms.

    Enable Mass Allocate

    Users must have the Mass Allocate role to use this option.

    For information about using Mass Allocate, see the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide.

    Enable Grid Spread

    For information about using Grid Spread, see Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide.

    Enable cell-level document

    (Default) Enable users to add, edit, and view documents in cells in the form, depending on access permissions. To prevent users from using documents in a form, clear this option.

    To use cell documents, see Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide, Setting Up Access Permissions.

    Message for forms with no data

    Enter text to display in form rows for queries without valid rows. Leave blank to display the default text, There are no valid rows of data for this form.

  3. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and close the form.