Creating and Editing Summary Time Periods

You can change such aspects as name, description, alias, starting period, and ending period. However, you cannot change the order of base time periods or skip base time periods. The range cannot extend beyond the current fiscal year.

You must work from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom when creating summary time periods. (Otherwise, Oracle Hyperion Planning views the rollup structure as asymmetrical and you cannot continue.) The summary time period displays in the hierarchy as a parent of the selected item. To enforce a balanced hierarchy, all base members must be the same number of levels from the root.

To create or edit summary time periods:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, then Dimensions.
  2. Select Period.
  3. Perform one action:
    • To add a time period, select the level in the dimension hierarchy above which to add, and click Add.

    • To edit a time period, select the time period and click Edit.

  4. For Name, enter or change the name for the summary time period.
  5. Optional: For Description, enter a description.
  6. Optional: For Alias, select an alias table to use. Enter an alias.

    The default table is used if you do not select one.

  7. For Start Period, select the starting period.

    The range cannot extend beyond the current fiscal year. For summary time periods, Start Period displays the first child, or all children except the first child of the sibling above it.

  8. For End Period, select the ending period.

    For summary time periods, End Period displays the last child, or all children from the Start Period through the next sibling’s children, except the last child.

  9. Click Save.