Time Balance Property

Time balance specifies how Oracle Hyperion Planning calculates the value of summary time periods.

Table 12-5 Time Balance Properties

Time Balance Property Description Example


Aggregate of all values for a summary time period as a period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 45


Beginning value in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 10


Ending value in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 20


Average for all the child values in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15


The value set at the parent is filled into all its descendents. If a child value changes, the default aggregation logic applies up to its parent.

Consolidation operators and member formulas overwrite Fill values when the members are recalculated.

Jan: 10; Feb: 10; Mar: 10; Q1: 30

Weighted Average - Actual_Actual

Weighted daily average, based on the actual number of days in a year; accounts for leap year, in which February has 29 days. In the example, the average for Q1 is calculated: (1) Multiply each month’s value in Q1 by the number of days in the month, (2) Sum these values, (3) Divide the total by the number of days in Q1. Assuming it is a leap year, the result is calculated: (10 * 31 + 15 * 29 + 20 * 31) / 91 = 15

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15

Weighted Average - Actual_365

Weighted daily average, based on 365 days in a year, assuming that February has 28 days; does not account for leap years. In the example, the average for Q1 is calculated: (1) Multiply each month’s value in Q1 by the number of days in the month, (2) Sum these values, (3) Divide the total by the number of days in Q1. Assuming it is not a leap year, the result is calculated: (10 * 31 + 15 * 28 + 20 * 31) / 90 = 15

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15

You can use the Weighted Average - Actual_Actual and Weighted Average - Actual_365 time balance properties only with a standard monthly calendar that rolls up to four quarters. For information on how Planning calculates and spreads data with the different Time Balance settings, see Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide.