Unable to Create Application Error


When you try to create an application in Oracle Hyperion Planning, this error might display: Unable to create application application name. Error number: -2147160060.


There may be several causes. To resolve this, ensure that these conditions are met:

  • Oracle Essbase must be running.

  • Advanced User Rights must be configured on the local machine.

  • The Administrator user must be configured for HsxServer and HspDataSource.

  • If the Essbase supervisor user name matches the Planning administrator user name, the passwords must be identical.

  • If you use local authentication, the machine name must be different from the user name.

  • The Planning application name cannot match Essbase application names.

  • If you are using DB2, a error message might state that the database is not configured correctly. This can result from various causes, such as incorrect configuration for auditing tables.