Using Wildcards in Searches

You can use these wildcard characters to search for members.

Table 7-3 Wildcard Characters

Wildcard Description

Match any single character


Match zero or multiple characters. For example, enter "sale*" to find "Sales" and "Sale" because * includes zero or more characters after the word "sale."

The default search uses the * wildcard. For example, entering "cash" searches for "*cash*" and returns "Restricted Cash", "Cash Equivalents", "Cash", and "Noncash Expenses" because the word "cash" appears within each matched item.

# Match any single number (0-9)
[list] Match any single character within a specified list of characters. You can list specific characters to use as wildcard. For example, enter [plan] to use all the letters within the brackets as a single wildcard character. You can use the "-" character to specify a range, such as [A-Z] or [!0-9]. To use the "-" character as part of the list, enter it at the beginning of the list. For example, [-@&] uses the characters within the brackets as wildcard characters.
[!list] Match any single character not found within a specified list of characters. The "-" character can also be used to indicate a range, such as [!A-Z] or [!0-9].