Updating Tasks in Schedules

You may need to periodically manually update information on a task that is running, and in this case, you can reopen it. When you reopen a task, it is reset to Open with Assignee status, and you can edit the information. For example, you can change the instructions and references, attributes, and questions. If you make changes, previous answers to questions are cleared.

Reopening a series of tasks does not reestablish the predecessor relationships. All end-user tasks are reset to Open with Assignee. No tasks are reverted to Pending status.

You may also need to restart System-Automated tasks if they end in error. You can reopen the tasks to rerun the process.

You can reopen tasks under these conditions:

Table 9-1 Conditions for Reopening Tasks

Task Status End-User System-Automated

With Assignee/Running

You can edit or import data into the Instruction, Attribute, or Question sections. When you save the task, it is reset to the Assignee, and the answers to questions are cleared.

No updates are allowed to running system-automated tasks.

With Approver

You can edit or import data in to the Instruction, Attribute, or Question sections. When you save the task, it is reset to the Assignee, and the answers to questions are cleared.

Approver must reject the task, which sets it to Error status. From Task Details, the task owner can click Reopen to reopen the task and make changes. When you save the task, the web service runs again.


From Task Details, the task owner can click Reopen to reopen the task and make changes. When you save the task, it is reset to the Assignee.

From Task Details, the task owner can click Reopen to reopen the task and make changes. When you save the task, the web service runs again.

To update tasks in a schedule:

  1. Select Manage then Schedules.
  2. Open a schedule.
  3. Select a task with a Closed or Error status, right-click, and then select View.

    The View Task dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click Reopen.
  5. Edit the task.
  6. If the system displays a warning that the Assignee must complete the task again, or that the service will be executed again, click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
  7. Perform an action:
    • For a Closed task, click Close.

    • For an Error task, click Save and Close.