Creating Alerts

You can create alerts for a task if you have access to it.

When you create an alert, its status is Open, and a notification is sent to the specified Assignee. After resolving the alert, the assignee can respond to the notification by marking the resolution complete, which sends notification to the Approver who can approve or reject it. If an Approver rejects it, the alert status returns to Open and the alert returns to the assignee.

For example, suppose you are running an AP Period Close Process and are unable to log in to the AP System. You can create an alert and send it to the System Administrator. The System Administrator resolves the login issue and reassigns it to you. You verify the solution and close the alert.

To create an alert:

  1. Select a task, and select Actions, then Open.
  2. From the Task Actions page, select the Alerts tab.
  3. Select Actions, then New, or click the New button.
  4. In the New Alert dialog box, enter a name for the alert, for example, Data Corrupted.
  5. From the Type list, select a type, for example, Data Issue.
  6. From the Priority list, select a priority: High, Medium, or Low.
  7. For Description, enter a description for the alert, for example “Data has been corrupted”.
  8. Optional: Click Create Comment and enter a comment for the alert, then click OK.
  9. Select an assignee for the task.
  10. Click OK.