Adding a Permanent Difference (GS or ST) or a Regional Account

You should create a new account under PermSTTotal or PermGSTotal based on the nature of the difference.

If the difference is of type GAAP to Statutory, then you should create the account under PermGSTotal. If the difference is of type Statutory to Tax, then you should create it under PermSTTotal. For a Regional Permanent Difference, you should add the account under the hierarchy of RPermTotal.

Set the Properties of Permanent differences as follows:

Property Value
Account Type Asset
IsCalculated No
IsConsolidated Yes
PlugAcct <Blank>
RollForward TopMember CurrentTaxCYTotal
Jurisdiction TopMember Jurisdictions — AllNational for National; AllRegional — for Regional
ReportingStandard TopMember ReportingStandards
DataCategory TopMember PreTaxNationalRegionalCETR - For NationalAndRegional

PreTaxRegional - For Regional

PreTaxNationalCETR - For National

TaxType TopMember NationalAndRegional - For NationalAndRegional

Regional - For Regional

National - For National

NumDecimalPlaces Any valid values
UseLineItems No
EnableAggregationOnCustoms Yes (for All Customs)
UDA1 Use of keyword as needed; EqRevN and EqRevR—for Equity reversal accounts
XBRL <Blank>
Security Class <As needed>
ICPTopMember <Blank>
EnableDataAudit <As needed>
CalcAttribute <Blank>