Currency Lists

The Oracle Hyperion Tax Provision application contains the following Currency lists. Most lists are referenced in either data entry forms or financial reports.

Application Currency List

This member list returns the application currency of the application. In the sample tax application, the system returns the following application currency: USD.

Exchange Rate Currencies List

This member list returns the currencies defined in the application to be used for entering currency exchange rate information:

  • USD

  • EUR

  • CAD

  • XXX

Entity Currency Members

This member list returns the following currency members:

  • <Entity Currency>

  • <Entity Curr Adjs>

  • <Entity Curr Total>

Entity Parent and Reporting Currency Members

This member list returns the following currency members:

  • <Entity Currency>

  • <Parent Currency>

  • Application Currency

Entity and Reporting Currency Members

This member list returns the following currency members:

  • <Entity Currency>

  • Application Currency