Currency Rates Subgroup

The Currency Rates subgroup contains the exchange rate accounts used for currency translation. They can be configured in your implementation with your rate accounts. The sample tax application provides the following currency rate accounts.

Sample Currency Rates list

Table 3-2 CurrencyRates – Exchange Rates used for currency translation – Group Label

Group Description Account Type Calculated Comments
OpeningRate Opening rate at the beginning of the period CurrencyRate Yes The opening exchange rate is retrieved from the closing rate (A#ClosingRate) of the last period of the prior year.

In the sample application, it is the rate from prior year Period P12.

ClosingRate Closing rate at the end of the period CurrencyRate No The closing exchange rate is entered by the user. This can be manually entered in the Exchange Rates form, or from data load.

The Opening Rate is used in default translation for balanced accounts.

AverageRate Average rate for the period CurrencyRate No The average rate for the period is entered by the user. This can be manually entered in the Exchange Rates form, or from data load.

The Average Rate is used in default translation for flow accounts.

OverrideRate Parent member for all the NIBT translation override rate accounts Group Label No All the translation override rate accounts need to be added under this parent, which can be used as a translation override rate for the accounts under NIBTAdjusted hierarchy.
NIBTOverrideRate Translation override rate account Currency Rate No Override rate account to be used for translation of NIBT account
TARFPaymentsAndRefundsRate Translation override rate for TARF payments and refunds Currency Rate No TARF Payments and Refunds are translated at override rate specified, irrespective of the application setting.

The currency rate account information is referenced in the Application Setting section of the metadata file. If you change the rate account information in your application, you must make the corresponding changes in the Application Setting section of the metadata.

The currency rate account information is also used for currency translation in the rule file. If you use a different set of accounts defined for currency rates, you must modify the Constant section of the rule file for the following rates:

Const A_RATE_OPENING = “OpeningRate”
Const A_RATE_AVERAGE = “AverageRate”
Const A_RATE_CLOSING = “ClosingRate”