Defining Tax Automation Rules

In the Tax Automation screen, the system displays one occurrence of a Tax account by default. You can enter automation rules for any account.

Each rule is shown as a separate row. The value in the Occurrence column indicates the number of automation rules defined for the same account. In most cases, there is only one rule per account.

If you need multiple rules for an account, you can add an additional rule. You can specify multiple rows for the same Target account. Any subsequent rows can be specified as Override or Accumulate. The default method for subsequent rows is Override. For example, you may define a global rule as the first rule to apply to all entities, and then define a second rule as an override for specific entities in the subsequent row.

If you define multiple rules for one account, you must specify one of these Tax Automation modes:

  • Override – The calculated value of the second rule replaces the previously calculated value for the account

  • Accumulate – The calculated value of the second rule is accumulated with the previously calculated value for the account

You use the Override User-Defined (UD) property to specify the mode for the account. For example:

Account:  TaxAutomation
UD property:  Override: Yes

The default value is Yes for the Override mode. When you enter No, the system uses the Accumulate mode.

These operations are allowed on each row:

  • To add a rule:

    From the toolbar, click Add Rule, or select Actions, and then Add Rule.

    The system inserts a new row in which you can define the rule.

  • To promote or demote a rule:

    Select a rule, then from the toolbar, click Move up Rule, or Move down Rule, or select Actions, and then Move up Rule or Move down Rule.

  • To delete a rule:

    Select a rule, then from the toolbar, click Delete Rule, or select Actions, and then Delete Rule.

  • To sort rules in ascending or descending order, double-click the column header.