NOL Automation Columns

Column Target Account
Values A valid base-level descendant of the TaxLossesCFSTotal or TaxCreditTotal account
Default Base-level descendants of the TaxLossesCFSTotal or TaxCreditTotal account
Comment This is the Carryforward account to which the NOL Automation calculation is applied. You can use one or more rules for the same account.


You cannot define a NOL Automation rule and a Tax Automation rule for the same Tax Loss Carryforward target account.

Column Occurrence
Values 1 or any consecutive number above 1
Default 0
Comment When you define additional rules for the same account, the system automatically increases the occurrence value by 1. This value indicates how many rules are defined for the same account.
Column Logic - Deferral, Utilization, Expiration
  • Deferral

  • Utilization

  • Expiration

Default Deselected
Comment Click to select one or more of the valid NOL calculation logic methods.
Column Source Detail Account

Used to define the detail account associated with the target account. You can specify only one detail account.

Default None
Comment Loss detail account to be associated with the TaxLossesCFSTotal or TaxCreditTotal target account
Column Entities
Values One or more valid base entities or valid entity lists, separated by a semi-colon (;)
Default <Blank> for ALL base entities in the application
Comment You can restrict the rule to a particular entity or list of entities. If Entity is blank, the amount is applied to all entities.
Column Excluded Entities
Values One or more valid base entities or valid entity lists, separated by a semi-colon (;).
Default None
Comment Identifies the entities to be excluded for processing. If Excluded Entities is blank, nothing is excluded.
Column Limit - Utilization - Percent
Values Any number between 0 and 100
Default 100%

Percentage can be used to specify how much of an amount can be utilized into a detail account.

Column Limit - Utilization - Dollar Amount
Values Any positive number
Default None
Comment You can use a dollar amount instead of a percentage to specify the amount to be utilized. The amount is assumed to be the amount in the Entity Currency of the entity for which NOL Auomation is selected.
Column Limit - Deferral - Percent
Values Any number between 0 and 100
Default 0%
Comment Percentage can be used to specify how much of an amount can be deferred into a detail account.
Column Sequence
Values Any positive number
Default 1
Comment For Utilization, Sequence is required to specify the order in which utilization of taxable income should be distributed. Even if you disable a rule, you should maintain the sequence number if applicable. For example, if you have a rule sequence 1,2,3, and you want to disable sequence 2, disable the rule but do not change its sequence number.
Column Disable Rule
Values Selected or deselected
Default Deselected
Comment If selected, the rule is disabled for the specified period.