Other Tax Accounts Subgroup

Additional tax accounts are included in the Other Tax Accounts subgroup. This includes accounts for storing the calculated Valuation Allowance allocation percentage and amount, Statutory and Regional Effective Tax Rate (ETA) calculation, and Consolidated ETA rate information.

Some accounts included in this subgroup contain similar account hierarchy structure as in the Tax Accounts subgroup, with minor exceptions. For example, the account hierarchy NDefTaxnetVA (Total Deferred Tax National – No VA) has the account structure from NDefTaxTotal, with the exception of Valuation Allowance. Therefore, you can refer to the Tax Account section for the hierarchy detail.

Most tax accounts are system accounts used for calculation and you should not remove or change them. You can add provisioning accounts to the ETR hierarchies for your application.

List of accounts in Other Tax Accounts subgroup

The following section shows the Total Tax Provision hierarchies.

NTP and RTP Total hierarchies