RollForward User-Defined Properties

Property Value
Property Name Destination account for Deferred Tax Expense in ETR
Keyword DestAcDef
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry Valid Account member under DefTaxETRTotal, for example DefTaxOther
Default None
Example DestAcDef:DefTaxOther
Description You can use this property to specify the destination account from the deferred tax roll forward to transfer the deferred tax expense to the ETR.
Property Value
Property Name Destination Account for Change in Valuation Allowance in ETR
Keyword DestAcVA
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry Valid account member that is a base member of VAETRTotal, for example VAOther
Default None
Example DestAcVA:VAOther
Description You use this property to specify the destination account for the RollForward member, so that it is included in the ETR calculations.
Property Value
Property Name Opening Rate
Keyword OpeningRate
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry Yes or No
Default No
Example OpeningRate: No
Description For Exchange Rate calculations, you can specify if a RollForward member should be translated at the Opening Rate or Average Rate. If set to No, the system uses the Current Rate for translation.
Property Value
Property Name Source Account
Keyword SourceAcc
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry Book account or Tax account (Multiple accounts can be specified by using “&” as separator)
Default None
Example CbCTangAssets;N;N;N;SourceAcc:10205&10210
Description You must define the corresponding Book account or Tax account using this property. You can specify any number of members separated by “&”. The accumulated amount of these accounts is pulled into the respective Rollforward member.
Property Value
Property Name TARF1
Keyword TARF1
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry <Valid RollForward member>
Default None
Example TARFOtherDeferredSys: UD1 = TARF1:RF#OtherSys
Description You use this property to specify the destination account for the RollForward member, so that it is included in the ETR rate calculations.

When you specify the RollForward member for the TARF1 keyword, the member name should be preceded by "RF#".

Property Value
Property Name Tax Automation
Keyword TaxAutomation
UD Field ALL
Valid Entry

Yes or No

Default Yes
Example TaxAutomation:Yes
Description This keyword is used to identify RollForward members available for selection in the Tax Automation screen.

These RollForward members should be available to select from the Tax Automation screen:

  • CYSys

  • EquitySysNP

  • OtherSys