Tax Automation Screen Layout

The Tax Automation definition is set up by Scenario, Year, and Period. When you define the Tax Automation process, you specify the Source and Destination members for which to run the automation process. For Source accounts, you can select individual members, multiple members, or member lists. In the rows, the system automatically displays all applicable Tax accounts for Destination accounts. This includes all base accounts of the following parent accounts:

  • PermGSTotal - Permanent Differences (GAAP to Statutory)

  • PermSTTotal - Permanent Differences (Statutory to Tax)

  • TempGSTotal - Temporary Differences (GAAP to Statutory)

  • TempSTTotal - Temporary Differences (Statutory to Tax)

  • CurrentAddtlTotal - Total Additional Current Provision

  • RPermTotal - Regional Permanent Differences

  • RTempTotal - Regional Temporary Differences

  • RCurrentAddtlTotal - Regional Total Additional Current Provision

  • NIBTAdjusted - Net Income Before Tax

  • TaxSpecialDeductions - Special Deductions

  • TaxLossesCFSTotal - Total National Tax Losses - Carry Forward Automated

  • TaxCreditsTotal - Total Tax Credits

  • CurrentAddtlSrcTotal - Additional Current Provision - Source

  • TaxAttribTotal - Total Tax Attributes

  • VATotal - Total Valuation Allowance

  • EquityGainLossAdjusted - Gain/(Loss) in Equity Adjusted

  • EquityTempTotal - Total Equity Temporary Differences

  • RPermRegionalTaxDeduction - Regional Tax Deduction

  • RTaxPostApportionmentAdj - Regional Post Apportionment Adjustments

  • RTaxLossesCFSTotal - Total Regional Tax Losses - Carry Forward Automated

  • RTaxCreditTotal - Regional Total Tax Credits

  • RCurrentAddtlSrcTotal - Regional Additional Current Provision - Source

  • RTaxAttribTotal - Regional Tax Attributes

  • RVATotal - Regional Valuation Allowance

You can filter the rows by entering the filtering text at the top of each column. For example, if you enter the text “Book” in the Description column, the system displays only the rows with the description starting with the “Book” text. The “and” logic is applied to the filtering process when multiple criteria is specified.

You can save the Tax Automation settings, and also export the Tax Automation definition to an Excel worksheet.

To save or export the Tax Automation definition:

  1. To save the Tax Automation settings, from the toolbar, click Save Settings, or select Actions, and then Save Settings.
  2. To export, click Export the table data into Excel worksheet, or select Actions, and then Export the table data into Excel worksheet.
  3. Click Open, or Save and select a location.