Temporary Account Properties

You can view the properties information in the Temporary Account Properties screen.

Sample Temporary Account Properties screen

The Temporary Accounts Properties screen automatically displays the following base members for these parent accounts:

  • Total Temporary Differences

  • TaxCreditTotal

  • TaxAttribTotal

  • RTempTotal

  • RTaxCreditTotal

  • RTaxAttribTotal

  • VATotal

  • VAAllocTotal

  • RVATotal

  • TaxLossesTotal

  • RTaxLossesTotal

For each account in row, the system displays all applicable properties defined in metadata. You can choose to display the Account Description (default), Account Label, or both.

You can also rearrange the columns or suppress any of the columns.

This screen is view-only. You must make any changes in the metadata file and reload the file into the application. You must recalculate data if there are property changes.