
Data provider types: All


HypGetLastError() returns the last error message stored in Smart View. It retrieves the error message as it is stored in the server (error messages returned via VBA functions may not match those retrieved from the server).


HypGetLastError (vtErrorCode, vtErrorMessage, vtErrorDescription)

ByRef vtErrorCode As Variant

ByRef vtErrorMessage As Variant

ByRef vtErrorDescription As Variant


vtErrorCode: The error code number

vtErrorMessage: The error message

vtErrorDescription: A description of the error

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


Public Declare Function HypGetLastError Lib "HsAddin" (ByRef vtErrorCode As Variant, ByRef vtErrorMessage As Variant, ByRef vtErrorDescription As Variant) As Long
Sub Example_HypGetLastError
ReturnValue = HypGetLastError(ErrorCodeValue, ErrorMessageValue, ErrorDescriptionValue)
End Sub