Excel Process Stops Responding (Hangs) on Shut Down

Excel may be slow to shut down if the Excel15.xlb file is corrupted. This file stores changes to the ribbons in Excel.

A simple fix to this issue is to rename Excel15.xlb. A clean Excel15.xlb file is rebuilt the next time you start Excel.

The Excel15.xlb file is located in the C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel folder.

To rename the Excel15.xlb file:

  1. Close any open Excel applications and ensure that all excel.exe processes in the Task Manager are ended.

  2. Locate the Excel15.xlb file in your AppData folder; the default location is:



    You can quickly navigate to this folder by entering %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel in the address bar of Windows Explorer.

  3. Right-click the Excel15.xlb file name, then select Rename, then enter a new name for the file, and then press Enter.

    For example, append .old to the name:


  4. Restart Excel.

    A new Excel15.xlb file is created in the C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel folder.