Deleting Available Content from an Excel-based Reference Doclet

This topic applies only to Excel-based reference doclets.

In the reference doclet, you can remove content from the list of available content, without deleting the range on which it was based. This way, if you need to add the content back at later, you can do so.

Be aware that if the available content is in use as embedded content in any doclets in the report package, deleting it from the reference doclet will cause broken links in those doclets.

To delete available content from a Management Reporting-based reference doclet, use the Narrative Reporting web interface.


Before you begin, ensure that the doclet author phase is initiated.

To delete available content from the reference doclet:
  1. Check out the reference doclet.
  2. In the Narrative Reporting ribbon ribbon, click Inspect to launch the Properties dialog box.
  3. In Properties, select the Available Contents tab.

    In the example below, there are three ranges listed as available content. We'll remove one of them Yearly_Revenue.

    Properties dialog box showing three ranges of available content.
  4. In Available Content, click the Delete button, Delete button. for the content to delete.

    The content is removed from the list of available content.

    Properties dialog box showing the available content removed. Two items remain.
  5. Repeat these steps for any other content to delete.
  6. Click X in the upper left corner of Properties to close the dialog.
  7. When finished, upload it and check it in.

You can always add content back to the reference doclet by following the procedure in Adding Available Content to Excel-based Reference Doclets.