Importing Management Reports as Ad Hoc Queries

You can import Management Reports in to Oracle Smart View for Office as ad hoc queries, on which you can then further perform available ad hoc operations. The ad hoc grids you create can be saved and used as embedded content in your report package doclets.


Before you begin, launch Smart View in Excel and log in to Narrative Reporting.

To import a Management Report in to Smart View as an ad hoc query:

  1. In Narrative Reporting Home, select Library.
  2. Navigate to the Narrative Reporting node, then the Library node, and then the Reports folder.

    All management reports available on theNarrative Reporting instance can be accessed from the Reports folder. Alternatively, if management reports are stored in a user-defined folder, you can navigate to that folder.

  3. Expand a Management Report to view the available grids, and then select a grid.
  4. In the Action Panel, click the Import as ad hoc query link.

    Alternatively, right-click the grid and select Import as ad hoc query.

    The Management Report grid is rendered as an ad hoc query in Smart View. The Narrative Reporting Ad Hoc ribbon and POV toolbar are displayed.


    • Formatting that is displayed when the report is viewed in the Narrative Reporting web application is not available when the grid is imported in to Smart View.

    • Management Report grid text and formula rows and columns are not imported into Excel; only data is imported.

    • When working with a Management Report data source that is set to "Native" mode (Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior option = Native), the POV dimensions are displayed both in the POV toolbar and as page dimensions on the grid.

      Additionally, performing a Change Alias causes a "Member out of place" error.

  5. Perform ad hoc operations as required.

    For example, you can:

    • Zoom in on members

    • If available, click the POV button in the data provider ad hoc ribbon to display or hide the POV toolbar

    • Pivot POV dimensions or members to the grid

    • Use Member Selection to change the grid point-of-view

    See Performing Ad Hoc Analysis with Narrative Reporting Data for more information.

  6. Optional: To view properties for a management report or individual grid, select the management report or grid in the tree, and then, in the Action Panel, select Properties.

    Alternatively, right-click a management report or grid and select Properties.

    • If you selected a management report, then the Report Properties dialog is displayed. You can view, among other details, the management report name, location, and description, and the report modification history.

    • If you selected a grid, then the Grid Properties dialog is displayed. You can view the grid name, alias table used, the row and column dimensions, and the POV dimensions.