Selecting Members for the Default or Background POV

Cloud data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, Planning, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

On-premises data source types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management

In the POV Manager, you can select members as follows:

  • To use as a default POV for the ad hoc grids of a given connection

  • For the background POV for dimensions when you use functions

Oracle recommends a maximum of 1,000 members for the ad hoc POV.

Select members for or edit the POV before starting work on an ad hoc grid.

To select members for the default POV:

  1. From the Smart View ribbon, select Function, and then Manage POV.
  2. Expand the POVs list.
  3. From the Active POV list, select the active connection for which you are changing the POV.
  4. Click Member Selector, and then select the members that you want to use for the POV. See Selecting Members from the Member Selector.

    From the POV Manager, you can select only one member per dimension. If you use aliases, the POV Manager loses the selected members.

  5. Click Close.
  6. To refresh the worksheet, select Refresh.
  7. To save the POV to the workbook, save the workbook.


After you start working on the ad hoc grid, select or change members as described in Selecting Members from the Member Selector.