Renaming Ranges on Multiple-Grid Worksheets

Cloud data source types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data source types: Oracle Essbase

When you place ranges on a multiple-grid worksheet, Excel assigns each range a name by default. The strings used in the name ranges may not be particularly user friendly. For example, a range based on the Essbase Demo Basic database might look like this:


A more user-friendly name would be helpful for all users of the workbook, but changing the name using the Excel Name Manager could cause a loss of metadata in Oracle Smart View for Office.

Use the Rename Range command in the Smart View Document Contents pane to change the name to a more descriptive or user-friendly name.


To change range names in multiple-grid worksheets, you must use the Rename Range command in the Document Contents pane.
To rename ranges on a multiple-grid worksheet:
  1. In the Document Contents pane, highlight the range to rename in the tree, and then click Select.

    In the following example, EssbaseCluster-1 | Sample | Basic is highlighted in the tree.

    Shows the Sample Basic grid highlighted in the tree in the Document Contents pane.

    Use the Select command to verify that you are working with the correct grid on the sheet. For example, after highlighting EssbaseCluster-1 | Sample | Basic and clicking Select, the Sample Basic grid on the worksheet is highlighted.

    Shows the Document Contents pane on the right, with Sample Basic highlighted, and the Sample Basic grid highlighted in the worksheet at the left.
  2. In the Action Panel, click More, and then select Rename Range.
    Document Contents pane showing the EssbaseCluster-1 Sample Basic grid selected, and the menu expanded to show the Rename Range command selected.

    The Rename Range dialog box is displayed, showing the default name that was assigned to the range by Excel.

    The Rename Range dialog box showing the range name that was auto-generated by Excel.
  3. In Rename Range, type a new range name, and then click OK.

    We're renaming the range MySampleBasic.

    Rename Range dialog box with the new name typed in, MySampleBasic.
  4. Verify that the range name is changed in the Name Manager in Excel.

    Here is an example Name Manager, accessed from the Formula ribbon in Excel:

    The Excel Name Manager, showing the newly renamed range called MySampleBasic.

    You can also view the changed range name in the Excel Name Box drop-down list.

    Name Box in Excel, with the drop-down list showing the newly renamed range called MySampleBasic.