
Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management


HypConnected() provides the connection status of the sheet.


HypConnected (vtSheetName)

ByVal vtSheetName As Variant


vtSheetName: The name of worksheet on which to run the function. If vtSheetName is Null or Empty, the active worksheet is used.

Return Value

Returns True if the sheet is connected to a provider; False if it is not.


Declare Function HypConnected Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant) As Variant

Sub Example_HypConnected
   Dim X As Variant
   X = HypConnected(Empty)
End sub

If the sheet is connected, a variant with a value of -1 is returned, which is interpreted as True by VBA. In order to get -1 as the return value, you must declare the variable (which takes a return value) as a number type (Long, Integer, Double, etc.). The script given below demonstrates this:

Declare Function HypConnected Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant) As Variant
Sub Example_HypConnected()
Dim X As Integer 'Can also be Long or Double
X = HypConnected(Empty)  'Value of X will become -1 if Sheet1 is connected
End Sub

If variable X is not defined, VBA interprets it (and any other variable which is not defined) as being of the type, Variant. Then, if Sheet1 is connected, X will be equal to True.

If variable X is defined as a boolean, the return value is correctly displayed as True.