
Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase


HypExecuteQuery() executes an MDX query and displays the results on a worksheet. (If you do not want to display the query results on a worksheet, use HypExecuteMDXEx instead.)


HypExecuteQuery (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant, ByVal vtMDXQuery As Variant) As Long

ByVal vtSheetName As Variant

ByVal vtMDXQuery


vtSheetName: The name of worksheet on which to run the function. If vtSheetName is Null or Empty, the active worksheet is used.

vtMDXQuery: The MDX query statement to be executed on the worksheet

Return Value

Long. If successful, return value is 0; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


Public Declare Function HypExecuteQuery Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant, ByVal vtMDXQuery As Variant) As Long

Sub Example_HypExecuteQuery ()
   Dim vtQuery As Variant
   vtQuery = "SELECT {([Jan])} on COLUMNS, {([East])} on ROWS"
   sts = HypConnect (Empty, "Username", "Password", "Sample_Basic")
   sts = HypExecuteQuery (Empty, vtQuery)
   sts = HypDisconnect (Empty, True)
End sub