
Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management


HypGetBackgroundPOV() returns the list of background POV members as two-string arrays. One string array contains the POV dimension names; the other contains the member names.


HypGetBackgroundPOV (vtFriendlyName, vtDimensionNames, vtMemberNames)

ByVal vtFriendlyName As Variant

ByRef vtDimensionNames As Variant

ByRef vtMemberNames As Variant


vtFriendlyName: Input variable; the connection name of the data provide.

vtDimensionNames: Output variable; the dimension names array

vtMemberNames: Output variable; the member names array (one member per POV dimension)

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


This example assumes that the worksheet is connected and has a grid.

Public Declare Function HypGetBackgroundPOV Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtFriendlyName As Variant, ByRef vtDimensionNames As Variant, ByRef vtMemberNames As Variant) As Long
Sub Example_GetBackgroundPOV()
sts = con = HypGetBackgroundPOV("stm10026_Sample_Basic", vtDim, vtMem)
End Sub