

Refreshes Oracle Analytics Cloud content on the active sheet or workbook.


Function Retrieve(

refreshAll As Boolean)

As BIRefreshStatus()


refreshAll: If the value is True, the function will refresh all Oracle Analytics Cloud content in the entire workbook.

If the value is False, the function will only refresh the active document.

Return Value

An array of BIRefreshStatus. Each element in the array represents the result of refreshing of an Oracle Analytics Cloud view:

  • BIRefreshStatus viewName member contains the name of the refreshed view

  • isSuccess member indicates if the refresh succeeds or fails

  • errMsg member contains the error message if refresh fails


Sub testRefresh()

Dim obiee As IBIReport3 
Set obiee = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation 

'Call Refresh 
Dim result As Variant 
result = obiee.Retrieve(True) 

'Check for failed refresh 
Dim success As Boolean 
success = True 
Dim i As Integer 
For i = LBound(result) To UBound(result) 
    Dim status As BIRefreshStatus 
    status = result(i) 
    If status.isSuccess = False Then 
        success = False 
    End If 

If success = True Then 
    MsgBox "Succeeded" 
    MsgBox "Failed" 
End If 

End Sub