
Dashboards give you an overview to key information and let you change and save data.

Data source types: Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

You can open Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud dashboards in Oracle Smart View for Office.

To open a dashboard:

  1. Connect to an EPM Cloud data source that contains dashboards.
  2. From the Connections tree list, double-click a dashboard (indicated by dashboard icon).

    The dashboard opens in a new Excel workbook with each dashboard object displayed in a separate worksheet.


    • Smart View supports grid and chart type dashboard objects. Chart objects are displayed in grid format. All other dashboard types will be ignored.

      For example, a dashboard consists of these components: one grid, one chart, one note, and one image. Open this dashboard in Smart View and notice that the workbook has only two sheets, one for the grid, and one for the chart that is displayed as a grid. The note and image components are ignored.

    • Smart View supports a master form for the dashboard.

    For more information on dashboards:

    • Administrators: See the topics on designing dashboards in the Administering guide for your cloud business process.

    • End users: See the topics on using dashboards in the Using guide for your cloud business process .