Launching a Linked Reporting Object from a Data Cell

To launch a reporting object from a data cell:

  1. Ensure that you're working with a connected worksheet.


    If you are working with a saved ad hoc sheet or a grid layout that contains no data yet (for example, a free-form grid), you are not required to refresh the sheet first. Ensure that you are connected to the data provider, then right-click the correct database in the Smart View Panel, and then select Set Active Connection for this Worksheet.

  2. Select the data cell that is associated with the linked object that you want to launch.
  3. From the Essbase ribbon, select Linked Objects to display Linked Reporting Objects.
  4. From Linked Reporting Objects, select the linked object to launch.
  5. Click Launch button. The linked reporting object launches as follows:
    • Cell notes are displayed in the Cell Note dialog box.

    • Files are opened.

    • URL objects are opened in the default web browser.

    • Linked partitions—see Linked Partitions.