Modifying Query Connection Information

You can modify the connection information associated with a given query to connect it to a different application and database.

To modify query connection information:
  1. In Excel, connect to an Oracle Essbase or Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase data source.
  2. From the Essbase ribbon, select Manage and Execute Queries
  3. In the Manage and Execute Queries dialog box, click Modify Connection.
  4. In the Edit Connection - URL page, edit the URL as required, and then click Next.

    Optionally, select the Set as default connection check box, and then click Next.

  5. In the Edit Connection - Application/Cube page, and navigate the tree to the new application and cube, select it, and then click Finish.

    Alternatively, select the Advanced Setup check box and manually enter the new connection information in the Server, Application, and Cube/Database text boxes, and then click Finish.