Member Options Supported for Essbase Ad Hoc

Table 24-4 Member Options Supported for Essbase Ad Hoc

Option Ad Hoc
Zoom In Level: Next Level Yes
Zoom In Level: All Levels Yes
Zoom In Level: Bottom Level Yes
Zoom In Level: Sibling Level Yes
Zoom In Level: Same Level Yes
Zoom In Level: Same Generation Yes
Zoom In Level: Formulas Yes
Member Name Display: Member Name Only Yes
Member Name Display: Distinct Member Name Yes
Member Name Display: Member Name and Alias Yes
Member Name Display: Description Only No
Indentation: None Yes
Indentation: Subitems Yes
Indentation: Totals Yes
Ancestor Position: Top Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase: Yes

Essbase (on-premises): No

Ancestor Position: Bottom Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase: Yes

Essbase (on-premises): No

Use Excel Indentation (Ad Hoc Standard Mode) No
Include Selection Yes
Within Selected Group Yes
Remove Unselected Groups Yes


This option is enabled only when the Preserve Formulas Comments in ad hoc operations (except pivot) and Formula Fill options are cleared.

Preserve Formulas and Comments in ad hoc operations (except pivot and undo) Yes
Formula Fill Yes
Preserve Essbase Comments and Unknown Members Yes
Enable Enhanced Comment Handling Yes
Preserve Formula in POV Change No