Posting Journals

You can post a journal after it is approved, after it is submitted, or after it is submitted and approved.

You can also post it later by selecting it from the list of available journals.

The scenario view to which a journal is posted depends on the setting for the Scenario attribute "ZeroViewForAdj." If this attribute is set to Periodic, the journal is posted to the Periodic value. If this attribute is set to YTD, the journal is posted to the YTD value.

You can post journals one at a time or in batches. You must have the journal period open before you can post, and you must have All access to the classes of every entity for the detail lines.

Your ability to post a journal also depends on the process level of the data in the journal. For example, if you have a process management role of Reviewer 2 and the data that the journal affects is at Process Level 6, you cannot post the journal. For more information, see "Process Levels" in the "Using Process Management" chapter of the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management User's Guide .

When you post adjustments from a journal, the adjustment values are stored in the specified adjustment member. These four Value dimension members are valid for posting journals: Entity Currency Adjustments, Parent Currency Adjustments, Parent Adjustments, and Contribution Adjustments.

You can post a journal to a specific parent and child combination (node) by using one of these Value dimensions:

  • Parent Adjs—Applied to the node before consolidation.

  • Contribution Adjs—Applied to the contribution when determining the contribution total.


    Node adjustments are posted in the currency of the parent.

If more than one journal is posted to the Entity Currency Adjs member for the same account, the results are cumulative. The total from the current journal is added to or subtracted to from the existing total in Entity Currency Adjs.

When you post a journal, the system recalculates the account balances so that the database reflects the adjustments. The journal status changes to Posted, and you can view the adjustment in a data grid.


Do not delete or rename a posted journal, as this will result in unresolved data for the adjustment values that the journal had created.

To post journals:

  1. In the Smart View Panel, right-click a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management application, and then select Manage Journals.

    The Manage Journals window is displayed.

  2. Set the point of view as described in Selecting Dimension Members for Journal Detail.
  3. Before proceeding, click Refresh, Refresh button, to update the list of journals with those that correspond to the selected POV.

    Refreshing the journals list helps you to avoid errors that may arise when the selected POV and the listed journals are not in sync.

  4. Perform a task:
    • To post one or more unopened journals:

      1. In the Manage Journals window, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then select journals with the status, "Approved."

        Alternatively, select a single journal with the status, "Approved."

      2. Click Post, Post button.

      3. When you're finished posting journals, in the Manage Journals window, click Close.

    • To post an opened journal:

      1. Open a journal with the status, "Approved", as described in Opening Journals.

      2. In the Oracle Journals ribbon, click Post button on the Oracle Journals ribbon..