Renaming or Deleting the Excelnn.xlb File

You may need to rename or delete Excelnn.xlb if it is determined that this file is causing issues with your Oracle Smart View for Office installation.

Renaming or deleting the existing Excelnn.xlb file causes a new Excelnn.xlb to be created the next time you start Excel. This usually fixes any issues you may have had with the previous version of the XLB file.

To rename or delete the Excelnn.xlb file:

  1. Close any open Excel applications and ensure that all excel.exe processes in the Windows Task Manager are ended.

  2. Locate the Excelnn.xlb file in your AppData folder.

    For example, the default location of the Excelnn.xlb file is:



    You can quickly navigate to this folder by entering %appdata%\Microsoft\Excel in the address bar of Windows Explorer.

  3. Right-click the Excelnn.xlb file name, then perform either of these tasks:

    • Select Rename, then enter a new name for the file, and then press Enter.

      For example, append .old to the file name:


    • Select Delete.
  4. Restart Excel.

    A clean Excelnn.xlb file is created in the C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel folder.