
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office VBA function, HypListApplications.

Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management


HypListApplications() gets the list of applications and their descriptions for the requested provider.


HypListApplications (vtURL, vtServerName, vtUserName, vtPassword, vtApplications, vtAppsDescriptions)

ByVal vtURL As Variant

ByVal vtServerName As Variant

ByVal vtUserName As Variant

ByVal vtPassword As Variant

ByRef vtApplications As Variant

ByRef vtAppsDescriptions As Variant


vtURL: URL of the provider

vtServerName: Server name

vtUserName: User name

vtPassword: Password

vtApplications: List of applications

vtAppsDescriptions: List of application descriptions

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful; otherwise, returns the appropriate error code.


This example combines the HypListApplications and HypListDatabases functions.

Sub test()

Dim url As Variant
Dim srv As Variant
Dim SSO As Variant
Dim username As Variant
Dim password As Variant
Dim app As Variant
Dim Applist As Variant
Dim AppDescList As Variant
Dim AppCubeList As Variant

url = "http://<server>:<port>/aps/SmartView"
app = "Sample"
srv = "EssbaseCluster-1"
username = "<username>"
password = "<password>"

ss = HypConnect("Sheet1", "admin", "ppp", "Conn123")
ss = HypListApplications(url, srv, <username>, <password>, Applist, AppDescList)
ss = HypListDatabases(url, srv, <username>, <password>, app, AppCubeList)

MsgBox (ss)

End Sub