Fixing Function Links on Machines where Smart View was Reinstalled in a User-specified Location

When connected to an Oracle Smart View for Office provider, such as Tax Reporting in EPM Cloud or Essbase in EPM System, and using functions on a machine where Smart View was reinstalled in a different location (for example, originally Smart View was installed in the default installation location and then, on the same machine, Smart View was reinstalled in a user-specified, non-default location), the functions may not work correctly after reinstalling Smart View. To fix this issue, perform the following steps:

  1. In Excel, go to File, then Options, then Add-ins, then Excel Add-ins, and click Go.

  2. In the Add-ins dialog, select the check box for Hstbar. This gives an error message stating that "the HsTbar.xla file is not found in the location. Do you want to delete it?" Click Yes to delete it.

  3. Close and relaunch Excel.

  4. Open the saved workbook and connect to the data provider.

  5. In the Smart View ribbon, go to Functions, and then Fix Links.

    Fix Links updates the function definitions.