
Describes the Oracle Smart View for Office BI extension VBA function, DirProperties.


Fetch properties of a directory


Function DirProperties (

connectionContext As String,

sourcePath As String,

) As SVReportProperty()


connectionContext: The Oracle Analytics Cloud provider URL.

sourcePath: The path of the directory.

Return Value

Same as the return values of AnalysisProperties. An array of SVReportProperty. Each element in the array represents one property of the analysis. SVReportProperty’s name member contains the name of the property, and the value member contains the value of the property.


Sub TestDirProp()

Dim BIReport As IBIReport
Set BIReport = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation

Dim result As Variant

result = BIReport.DirProperties("http://xxx.com:xxxx/analytics/jbips","/shared/SmartView/OBIEE/sv_vba_dev")

End Sub