Browser Settings When Working with XML Files on HTTP Server

Web browsers may cache XML files posted on an HTTP server and referenced by Oracle Smart View for Office. This can cause problems when using the following Smart View functionality:

  • Accessing shared connections from an XML file

    This is the XML file posted on an HTTP server and noted in the Shared Connections URL field of the Smart View Options dialog box. If you plan to access online help from a local drive or internal web server, this file can also specify the location of the help.

  • Updating extensions

    Smart View references the UpdateList.xml file that is posted on an HTTP server when Smart View end users install, update, and remove extensions in the Extensions tab of the Options dialog box.

Complete the steps in this topic to clear the browser cache so that the latest version of the XML file is used for the purposes noted above.

To clear the cache so that Smart View is accessing the latest XML file version posted on an HTTP server, set the following options in the Internet Properties dialog in the Control Panel

  1. Launch the Control Panel, and then select Internet Options.
  2. In the General tab, Browsing history group, select Settings.
  3. In the Check for newer versions of stored pages section, select Every time I visit the webpage, and then click OK.
  4. In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Advanced tab.
  5. In the Security section, select the Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed option.
  6. Click OK to close Internet Options and restart the browser.