Uninstalling Smart View

This topic describes uninstalling Oracle Smart View for Office. Use this procedure to uninstall Smart View when it has been installed using the wizard (described in Installing from My Oracle Support or Oracle Technical Resources).

If Smart View was installed using the command line or silent installer, then use the commands described in Running Command Line or Silent Installations to uninstall.


Non-admin users are not authorized to install Smart View in the C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) folders. If a non-admin user has installed in one of those folders, or any folder with spaces in the name, the SmartView folder will be left in the <installation location>\Oracle\ folder, and the properties.xml and SVCRecentlyUsedItems.info files will be left in the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Oracle\SmartView folder. These files will need to be deleted manually. Or, an administrator can run a silent uninstall, which will remove all files.

To uninstall extensions, see Uninstalling Extensions in the Oracle® Smart View for Office User's Guide.

To uninstall Smart View:

  1. Before you begin, close all Office applications.
  2. In your Windows system Control Panel, click Programs and Features.
  3. Locate and select the version of Smart View that applies to your installation:
    • Oracle Smart View 32-bit for Office

    • Oracle Smart View 64-bit for Office

  4. Click Uninstall.