Pivoting Dimensions Between the Grid and the POV Toolbar

You can select to pivot a dimension out of the ad hoc grid to the Point of View (POV), or out of the POV to the grid. You can also pivot a member; if you do so, the other members in its dimension are also pivoted.

To pivot a dimension or members between the POV toolbar and the grid, perform one of the following tasks:

  • To pivot a dimension to the POV, select the dimension in the grid. In the provider ribbon, click the arrow in the Pivot button, Pivot button, and then select Pivot to POV.

    Alternatively, right-click a dimension and drag it from the grid and drop it on the POV toolbar.

    You can also pivot a member. Select one member only; you do not need to select multiple members. Selecting one member pivots all members in the dimension.

  • To pivot a dimension from the POV to the grid, right click the arrow next to the dimension name in the POV toolbar, then drag the dimension and drop it on the grid.

Example 9-5 Pivoting Notes

  • You can leave any number of dimensions on the POV; for example, 0, 1, or more dimensions can be left on the POV.

  • After pivoting the last dimension from the POV toolbar to the grid, the POV toolbar is hidden. You can always bring it back by clicking the POV button in the provider ribbon.

  • The grid must always contain at least two dimensions: one row dimension and one column dimensions. When there is only one row dimension and one column dimension on a grid, you must first pivot the replacement dimension on to the grid before you can pivot a dimension out of the grid.

    For example, if you want to pivot the row dimension off of the grid, then you must first pivot the replacement row dimension on to the grid, and then pivot the unwanted row dimension off of the grid.

  • You can manually type a dimension or member name to replace a dimension or member name in the grid or the POV toolbar.

    Similarly, you can delete a dimension or member from the grid, refresh the grid, and the deleted dimension or member is moved from the grid and will display on the POV toolbar.

  • You can pivot members by selecting them from the POV, as described in Selecting Members from the POV Toolbar.