Specifying Preferences for Refreshing Views
You can specify preferences for refreshing each view. The refresh preferences that you set for each view within a worksheet, slide, or page are saved along with the Office document (Excel workbook, PowerPoint slide presentation, or Word document).
To specify preferences for refreshing a view:
Oracle BI EE title views are not included in refresh actions, so all customizations to a title view are retained when you refresh the worksheet or workbook.
Pie charts are not refreshed after adding or removing a filter in BI Answers if the filter added is on a dimension that defines the number of pies that display. If there is a change in a filter column that is also defined as a number-of-pies dimension, change the refresh option on the chart view to Replace View, and then perform another refresh. This ensures a correct refresh, updating the number of pies and the chart titles that correctly reflect the new data.