
With the Tables node selected, the Search tab provides these functions:

  • Search button

  • Drop-down lists (predefined database query)

    Configuration Assistant - Tables node.

    Drop-down lists include predefined database queries. When you make a selection the Table Name field is automatically populated with the table names associated with the selection. These drop-down lists of predefined database queries and their predefined tables are:

    • Non-Transactional Tables

      The list of tables was created by Oracle applications development. It does not include any system code 74, 75, or 76 tables. When you choose this search type the Table Name field is automatically populated with the list, which includes hundreds of tables. To view the complete list, you can manually copy the contents out of the field display and into a readable form.

    • Business Data

      Includes all tables that have a data class of B, which is automatically populated in the applicable Criteria field.

    • System Tables

      Includes all tables that have a data class of S, which is automatically populated in the applicable Criteria field.

    • Control Tables

      Includes all tables that have a data class of T, which is automatically populated in the applicable Criteria field.

    • Foundation Tables

      Includes all tables for system code 00.

    • Distribution Tables

      Includes all tables for system codes 40, 41, 42, 43, 43Q, 45, 46, 49, 40, 40G, 40R, 41B, 43C, 43E, 46L, and 46R.

    • Manufacturing Tables

      Includes all tables for system codes 30, 31, 31B, 32, 34, 37, 40, 41, F30L, F31, F31K, and F34R.

  • Search Criteria Fields

    • Table Name

    • Description

    • System Code

    • Reporting Code

    • Data Class

    • Copy Data Flag