Running the R9500005A Batch Application to Remove Unmatched Audit Records

Enter BV in the Fast Path to access the Batch Versions applications.

  1. On the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form, enter R9500005A in the Batch Application field and click the Find button.

  2. Select the Delete Unmatched Audit Log Records batch application and then select the Row menu, Processing Options.

  3. On the Processing Options form, enter the appropriate processing option value in the Mode for Deletion field and then click the OK button:

    • Enter 0 for proof mode.

      This processing option enables you to view a report of the invalid records that the batch application will delete when run in final mode.

    • Enter 1 for final mode, which deletes all unmatched records.

      This processing option removes invalid records and generates a report that lists the invalid records that were removed.

    • Enter 2 for final mode, which deletes unmatched records but retains records if an audit table could not be opened.

      This processing option removes invalid records on a table unless the table associated with the invalid records has been taken offline; then the system will not delete the invalid records.

  4. On the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form, click the Select button.

  5. On the Batch Versions - Version Prompting form, click the Submit button.

  6. On the Printer Selection form, click the OK button.

  7. On the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form, select the Form menu, Submitted Jobs.

  8. On Batch Versions - Submitted Job Search, to review the results of the batch job, select the job in the grid and then select the Row menu, View PDF.