Adding a Flat File Encoding Record

To define the character set that is applied to a flat file during the pre- or post-processing intercept, add a flat file encoding record. You can apply a flat file encoding file based on the user, the user role, the program ID, the program version, and the environment.

After you add the flat file encoding record, you must activate it.

Access the Work With Flat File Encoding form.

  1. Click Add.

  2. On the Flat File Encoding Revisions form, complete these fields, and then click OK:

    • User / Role

      The default user/role is *PUBLIC, which includes all users. By specifying a user or role, you can limit flat file encoding to only programs running under that user or role.

    • Environment

      The default environment is *ALL, which applies the character set encoding to all environments. By specifying an environment, you can limit the flat file encoding to only programs running under that environment.

    • Program ID

      The program ID identifies the batch or interactive application to which to apply the flat file encoding. The default value, *DEFAULT, applies flat file encoding to all programs.

    • Version

      A version is a set of user defined specifications that determines how a batch or interactive application runs. A program version identifies the batch or interactive application version to which to apply the flat file encoding. The default version, *DEFAULT, applies the flat file encoding file to all versions.

    • Encoding Name

      The encoding name identifies the character set used by the incoming or outgoing flat file. You must specify an encoding name.