Adding a Media Object Queue

Access the Work With Media Object Queues form.

  1. Click Add.

  2. On the Media Object Queue Revisions form, in the Queue Name field, define the media object queue name where images may be found. The queue name is a symbolic reference only. The media object queue name is one-half of a properly defined media object queue. The other half is the media object path. complete these fields:

    • Queue Name

    • Queue Path On-Line

    • Queue Path Off-line

    • On-Line Access Type

    • Off-Line Access Type

  3. In the Queue Path On-Line field, enter a path that points to the location of OLE objects, images, or URLs. The queue path is the second half of a properly defined queue for a media object. The first half is the name of the media object. A valid queue path for a network location might be \\server1\share3\images\financial. To set the queue for a CD ROM, use cd: in the pathname; the system automatically substitutes the appropriate drive letter when it resolves the path.

  4. In the Queue Path Off-line field, enter a local path that points to the location of OLE objects, images, or URLs. The queue path is the second half of a properly defined queue for a media object. The first half is the name of the media object. A valid queue path when working off-line might be d:\data\media\images.