Creating Auto Suggest Business Views

An application developer can create or customize Auto Suggest business views using OMW.

To create Auto Suggest business views:

  1. In OMW, create a Business View object and click the Auto Suggest check box.

  2. Open the Auto Suggest business view in Business View Design Aid.

  3. Select the table or table joins you want to use in the Business View Design Aid. This is the table or tables where the system will search for the user typed items.

    The first column of the Auto Suggest business view must contain the value that EnterpriseOne adds to the field after the user selects an Auto Suggested record. This value is typically the actual code or value of the field (for example, the AN8 column should be the first column in the Address Book Auto Suggest business view).

    For the rest of the business view columns, there are three special Auto Suggest properties that you need to select:

    • Search Field - Select this option for the columns where you want the Auto Suggest system to search. EnterpriseOne searches in this field for the text the user typed. For example, for AN8, the "Alpha Name" field may be the search field if you would like the system to search what the user typed in the Alpha Name column.

    • Display Field - Select this column for the columns where you want the system to display as the system brings up the recommended items. For example, for an Address Book field, you may include the Address as Display Field to help users select the proper record.

    • Language Code - Select this option if the column contains the language code. The system will match the user's language preference with data in this column to display translated records.